*SLS Comparative Law Section: Call for Papers by 4th March 2011*
This is a call for papers for the Comparative Law section of the 2011 SLS
Conference in Cambridge.
This year's conference will take place between 5th-8th September 2011 at
the University of Cambridge and the main theme will be Law in Politics,
Politics in Law. The Comparative Law section will meet as usual during
the first half of the conference (Group A), following the BACL morning
workshop [more details to follow], with two sessions on Monday afternoon
(5th September) and two on Tuesday 6th September.
If you are interested in presenting a paper, please e-mail me at
paula.giliker@bristol.ac.uk by 4 March 2011. I would welcome papers on
any aspect of comparative law including ones which address this years
theme. The invitation extends to all members of the Section, from
research students and early career academics to senior colleagues. At
this stage, I will need a title and a brief abstract. Please could you
also let me know if you will be speaking in any other subject section to
avoid any conflict in scheduling.
Please note that, as is the case each year, ALL speakers must book and pay
to attend the conference (as do convenors!) It is hoped that speakers
will provide a paper for the paperbank by mid-August to enable attendees
to read the papers in advance of the conference.
Finally, the SLS offers a Best Paper Prize which can be awarded to
academics at any stage of their career, but the paper (of less than 12,000
words) must be placed in the paperbank by 29 August 2011. The Prize
carries a monetary award of £250 and the winning paper will be published
in Legal Studies. Further details are available at